JUMP TOIntroducing THE OWNLI APIGetting Started With the Ownli APIOpenAPI definitionVehicleUpdate VehicleputCreate a vehicle using a VINpostCreate a vehicle (by license plate and state)postRetrieve an active vehicle (by VIN)getRetrieve an active vehicle (by license and state)getRetrieve a vehicle (by id)getRetrieve a list of vehicles for a user (by phone)getRetrieve a list of vehicles for a user (by user id)getRetrieve a list of vehicles for a user (by code)getAdminDeactivate a vehicleputReactivate a vehicleputUpdate a userputUpdate user with policy detailsputList all vehicles.getList all users.getCreate a userpostRetrieve a summary of all check-ins for a usergetList all users.getList all rewards.getList all payouts.getList all mileage check-ins.getList all condition check-ins.getCheck-inRetrieve a condition check-in.getUpdate a condition check-in.putCreate a mileage check-in.postCreate a condition check-in.postRetrieve a list of mileage check-ins for a vehiclegetRetrieve a list of condition check-ins for a vehiclegetRetrieve a summary of all check-ins for a vehiclegetRetrieve a mileage check-in.getRewardClaim rewards on behalf of the userpostRetrieve a list of rewards given to the user (by phone)getRetrieve payouts claimed by user (by phone)getRetrieve a list of rewards given to the user (by id)getRetrieve a list of confirmed rewards given to the user (by id)getRetrieve payouts claimed by user (by id)getRetrieve list of productsgetPhotoUpload a photopostRetrieve a list of photos for a user (by phone)getRetrieve a list of photos for a user (by id)getRetrieve photogetUserRetrieve a user (by phone number)getRetrieve a user (by license plate number and state)getRetrieve a user (by id)getRetrieve a user (by email address)getRetrieve a user (by partner code)getPowered by List all users.get https://api.sandbox.ownli.app/api/usersRetrieve the list of users created by a partner.